After an awards presentation Monday night with an actor friend who invited to AARP Grown-up Movie Awards, we took this picture!
how did I get here, you ask? I asked what Chris was up to and if he had any work booked for next week. he said that he didn't have anything booked just yet, but that he did have a super assignment where he feeling audience seats for no pay at an awards ceremony.
Wait a minute... No pay?!!?
Well, he did say it was a good event. And that you can get good exposure.. So I decided I'd give it a shot. He gave me the contact info I emailed the person and then... I was on the list. All that was needed now as to just get get to the place.
We took seat filling roles, and sat among the biggest and brightest stars in Hollywood, Alan Cumming entertained, and actors Shari Belafonte, Blythe Danner, Doug Jones, and Ben Mendelssohn presented awards to directors and actors for top films of 2017 to Guillermo del Toro, Helen Mirren, Gary Oldman, Rian Johnson, Aaron Sorkin, Sherry Lansing, and many more! We gained screen time sitting among them! Including a World War Two veteran who rescued soldiers at Dunkirk. This was the AARP Grown-up awards and will air on PBS on Feb. 23 #actorslife #friends #opportunities