Zoom or Source Connect Voiceover Session (4 Hours)

Zoom or Source Connect Voiceover Session (4 Hours)

Directable session for your project needs, up to 4 hours*.
Via Zoom or Source Connect.
Reach out for any specific questions or needs you may have.

*Includes studio costs-usage and market determine final cost.
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The event starts with a Pre-production meeting via email where we go over your project specs and target the desired performances you want. From there we set a booking date. In the days leading to the booking I custom audition script tests with your prearranged media references and links to better inform my performance to your liking, send you mp3s, andcommunicate to move the project positively. This preparation ensures that your session day goes smoothly under your direction and my informed choices. Reach out to make magic happen.

multivoiceofgladness, wheremagicbegins